New rape year!

Happy New year!honestly it's just change of dates from 1/01/13 to 1/01/14.(and I am too late to wish a New year)
I'm into having a successful life,great career and money and love of life and shit. Not the one about social issues. I mean obviously when you are having an debate about politics and female infanticide I have an opinion. .I voice it. But then again it's just an opinion. I don't go into the field and try and  prevent it literally. Don't worry some day I might actually go out and do it but till then. OK and again I drifted from my subject.
You know when someone close to your friends or say acquaintance dies you just  pretend to give your condolences. You never actually feel that pain, that loss.
The same way when a woman is raped it's just you go over the facts that women aren't safe. World's changing and it's more  criminalised and shit. You never know what that woman might have gone through when she was being molested .she was being forced to have this most important feeling or experience of her life named sex in a way that she is even scared to let some one touch her again.
You can't possibly understand ,can you!
I swear I kept thinking if I am being gang raped or even there is slightest hint that I can be under such circumstances what can I do??
How do I possibly defend myself?pepper spray?self defense classes ??do they actually help when 5 grown men are trying to attack a single person. Honestly I wasn't planning on a blog like this in the start of a new year!I had this nightmare that was being raped! It's somehow very disappointing part about being a woman!!I'm scared to my very core.
Whenever I plan an outing im reminded about safety and security and shit. It's infuriating.
Somehow it makes me feel a handicap! A prisoner of I don't know what? Of my over paranoid mind!? Of the actual pervert world out there ?!

P.s I usually travel with a knife and India doesn't sell pepper spray as yet. So I hope a deodorant works the same way on eyes as the pepper spray does!


  1. Gangrapes everyday. And to most men. women complaining about it are whores too. This country sucks when it comes to treating its women with as human beings

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