Princess doesn't need a goddamn prince :-P

Why is always the princess in trouble? Why is she either sleeping for ages waiting for a douche bag to come and wake her up for her sleep?  Or why is she waiting for the prince with his shining armor to come to her rescue from her step mother and her bitchy step sisters ? OR she is growing her hair long enough for him to climb her long tower where she is imprisoned! Dude try making a parachute out of something or try bungee jumping and hey you might just hit the ground with least injuries?
Why is 'he'always necessary in 'her' story? 
Ok I know I sound like a cynic.
And you might have heard a cynic is a badly fucked up idealist.
Not my case but I am more of a semi feminist... 'semi' because I would love for a guy to pull my chair for me on a date...(Is that hypocrisy? ) I would love a guy to show a bit of chivalry but I a male chauvinist pig is turn off!
Ok I think 'love' or rather 'romantic love' is over rated. And all my single girlfriends agree:-P:-P
I mean why is it always the prince saving the princess's ass?
Why can't both be helping each other out with their own fuck ups?
Its not just the knight that saves the princess; She saves him back!


  1. Feminist literature has always been against this manufactured stereotype that has been imposed on the women of the world. The more serious issue in India of-course, is the forceful imposition of motherly figure, that sacrifices everything for the honour of the family.


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