The Summer fuck up!

Yo... I honestly don't know who reads my blog... Chuck whatever ...I still have fun writing.... u know its may.. and there are tons of summer camps and shit like that going on in the  vicinity... I Came across a crazy interesting one.... symbiosis college is having a summer school... they are gonna teach chutiya interesting stuff.... theater, drama, dance, CREATIVE WRITING, photography ....I mean it's kinda dream come true types of a programme for me....( actually I was trying to find a cool adjective here like "for a medico like"or for a art struck kid like me"but that sounds shitty..)
Anyways ok the point is I went gaga when I read the advertise.... I called them up about the fees and stuff..... u know what's the fees... ok try taking a wild guess.... it's summer school... a Month of summer school.... but then it's in symbiosis.... ok chalo...say 20k.. umm 50k...'s 1 fucking lakh 20 chutiya thousand.... I mean my mom was like dude it's like two years Ka engg. College Ka fees man.... I swear... maa ki ankh... who pays 1Lakh for summer school man...
I was so pissed that I started complaining to my mom... my mom told me to write them an email.... I was at first skeptical... then I thought big deal!!at least I can vent out my frustration and I honestly thought that institutes like these have automated answer thingys... and they won't read my dickhead email.... :-/
This was the email
" I hope this letter is read.I would be obliged if I get a reply but I guess that's to much of an expectation.I am not a rich brat who can pay 1 lakh 20thousand. I know I sound like a nutcase. But I want to attend this summer school to learn creative writing.I'm very passionate about it. I'm a medical student who is paying her college fees via student loan so I guess you do understand I'm kind of below poverty line according to symbiosis standards. I don't mean to be contemptuous towards your institute. The summer school might be this expensive for valid reasons. I know the faculty teaching there are insanely experienced .I want to learn from them. But the fee is humongous. I guess the summer school is for people rich enough to pay for their hobbies. I know this letter makes me sound as an impecunious kid.I am insanely passionately interested in attending your summer school but I can't. I hope you just ponder upon this stupid,immature and honest email of mine."
They fucking replied.... I mean I was attending my clinics... I was in pedestric postings..  I was just checking my email... and I read in my inbox
They replied
" Dear Divya,

For days I have wondered about replying to your email. You wrote the email effectively, it caught our attention ! Your command over the language seems pretty good, so I assume you understand the impact of the words you have used.

My dilemma: Is this girl simply impulsive and really passionate about creative writing and therefore venting? Is she taking potshots at the rich, many who have worked very hard to earn their money? And she seems really contemptuous of Symbiosis where a majority of students from hard working families also study on student loans. Why would I think of helping her out after all those veiled insults? A simple letter would have probably worked better.

But at the end of the day, as a teacher I seem compelled to want to interact with any student who would like to study.

Let me offer you a special discount on fees. The total fees for you are only Rs.90,000/-inclusive of all academic, living, learning material expenses etc. In case you choose to stay outside the campus on your own, fees are Rs.67,500/-

Course Outline is attached for your reference

To confirm your seat at our Summer School, please register online at and pay fees immediately.

Last date for admission: April 30th 2013. Course begins: May 7th 2013 at Lavale, Pune

Hopefully when you interact with people from Symbiosis, you will realise we are all hard working committed folk ! I do wish you join us at this summer program .

Team SSS. "
I know she kinda insulted me in polite English.... but the best part of the reply was "You wrote the email effectively, it caught our attention ! Your command over the language seems pretty good!!!"
That's it... I didn't even bother to read further..   I know it's very something of me but OMG some English literate replied and that too told me I was good... made my day! Or rather month or Chuck you got the point na!!
I can't go even though they reduced the fees.... because it's still 60k and plus if I bunk my clinics I won't be a doctor at all...
