life as we kno it...

      Life as we kno it......

Hate this day....hate this night
Nthing to do ....n nthing to fight...
A life to be played wid a set of rules....
Bend d rules......u r ruled.......
D irony of life ....a play to play
A destiny to clay....wid sets of rules..
Was told by is to live...
Life is to seek...
But lost in it wid nthng to hide...

 A puzzel to solve,....n treasure hunt wid d pieces....
A game of blame.......
A run for name.......
Miss those days n miss those nites.....
When everythin was fun n everything was bright.....
Life was to live n it was abt d laugh...
Nthng to hide....
Hide n seek was just a game.....

Dark wer colours.....not ppl.. not life..
Sad was a mere word.....
Merry was d only feeling
Survival was a theory....not d way of life.....
In vain wer only efforts.....not a life.......
Laugh was never wicked.....
Money was a mere need.....nt a priority
But hope n faith havnt lost their charm ......
Live,love,laugh are still the name of life.
